The general-purpose library is a central library of the public libraries network in the region (it also fulfils the function of a city library) and a centre of librarian, bibliographical and information services of cooperating libraries in the district. After having undergone extensive reconstruction the library now provides the general public not only with a free selection of books, internet and on-line points but also a wide range of other new services. It also includes a lending counter of books for children and adults, a reading room, studying premises and musical section. But the library also introduces its seat as a historic building with numerous archaeological findings (original fortification walls, medieval well and others).
Library of the Secondary Business School Pardubice – offers services of a library with specialized literature
Štefánikova 325, 530 02 Pardubice,
telefon: +420 466 501 684
Synpo Library - offers services of a library with specialized literature.
S. K. Neumanna 1316, 530 02 Pardubice-Zelené Předměstí,
telefon: +420 466 067 259
Technical Library of Plynostav Pardubice holding - services of a library with specialized literature.
Sukova třída 1556, 530 02 Pardubice-Zelené Předměstí,
telefon: +420 467 000 177
University Library of Pardubice University - offers borrowing services, information education and five specialized PC rooms
Studentská 519, 530 09 Pardubice-Polabiny,
telefon: +420 466 036 543
East Bohemian Museum in Pardubice - specialized in collections and study funds
Zámek 1, 530 02 Pardubice-Zámek,
telefon: +420 466 799 240